• Dessert

    The Best Pumpkin Pie

    pumpkin pie

    Pumpkin pie is easy to make and a wonderful holiday favorite. Because pumpkin pie is a custard, the biggest worry that bakers have when making it is that the top of the pie will split and crack as it cools down. Well, thanks to this recipe your pumpkin pie will come out smooth, delicious, and crack-free every time! The recipe is adapted from one sent to me several years ago…

  • Dessert

    Lemon Meringue Pie

    Lemon meringue pie is a delicious summer dessert. The lemon curd is tart and tangy, with just a hint of sweetness, and the meringue is light and fluffy. Making the curd for lemon meringue pie takes some patience. It must be cooked slowly on the stove over a low heat, stirred constantly. This is because the primary ingredient in a fruit curd isn’t actually the fruit – it’s egg yolks.…

  • Dessert

    Pie Crust

    Pie crust is another recipe that can feel intimidating for newer bakers but is really quite easy to make! It’s a versatile part of baking as well. You can make sweet pies like apple or pumpkin, or you can use a classic crust like this as the top for a savory pot pie (just don’t add the sugar when making it). The key to baking a flaky pie crust is…